Here you'll find samples of my research.
My primary interest has been understanding how sensorimotor circuits drive behavior.
Multipattern Generation in Motor Circuits
Postdoctoral Research
Using computational modeling and quantitative analysis of connectome data, I investigated what features of motor circuit architecture that are required for Drosophila larvae to perform two distinct locomotor behaviors and identified specific neurons that could allow switches between behaviors.
Kinematic & Neuromuscular Basis of Escape Behavior
Doctoral Research
I spearheaded multidisciplinary research uncovering how the Drosophila larva performs escape locomotion. I used novel imaging approaches and quantitative analysis to characterize how body motion contributes to escape, investigate how escape muscle activity differs from that of other locomotor behaviors, and reveal how motor circuit structure can support escape muscle activity. This work is foundational to developing a comprehensive understanding of how neural circuits drive multiple behaviors in a context-dependent manner.